Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Live on the present tense

A goal is something we see at the end of the finish line. Everyone is your competitor towards that direction.

Living is not just about the goals we aim at, we should also see its true beauty and value. However we miss that part once we start regretting the past, whining to the present and worrying for the future which has not yet even come. A true believer of his destiny is someone who can delight on things happening to him, be it good or bad he sees the lesson through it and makes it as a stone to step at. We all are earners in our own ways, we earn experiences that would make us a little more wiser the next time. I believe with that, we should keep in mind those small lessons we learned, day will come it will be put to good use.

Mindful always of the mistakes of other people, we sometimes fail to learn from those the same way they did. Never be a judge of others, as what the bible says: before you see the faults of your neighbor learn to clean up yourself first. It is always imperative that we are all cluelessly been judging others by ways they look, speak or their gestures but what we do not know yet is their story behind those so instead, we should be more tactful and careful.

We shape our lives according to our plans and desires but what we forget is the masterplan God has already prepared for us. Let go and let it just happen plus learn to delight in all experiences he allows us to have, all of those are meant exactly how it should be not how it could have been. Live in the present and make it worthwile, we are all living just once, so no more regrets and no more what if's. Just GO.

Yes to persistence, Yes to diligence, Yes to determination to reach our hearts desires; but most of all Yes to God's creative masterplan. It is all within His control. Have a great day everyone! God Loves us all. :)

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations,
I may not be able to reach them all, but I can always look up see their beauty,
 believe in them and try to follow where they lead.
-Louisa May Alcott
(American Civil War Nurse Volunteer)